Guillaume Bijl
Informationen zum Künstler
- Name: Guillaume Bijl
- Wohnort: Antwerpen
- Geburtsjahr: 1946
- Website:
- eingetragen: 14. September 2018
In Guillaume Bijls imaginary realities, the art place becomes his playground to reconstruct (banal) scenes from daily life such as matras shops or even a dog salon. Besides reconstructing, and hereby investigating, social reality in the non-neutral art zone, his works found its way to the outside on numerous occasions. Thanks to the initiative ‘Sokkel’ (Pedestal) of the Middelheimmuseum, Bijl introduces a temporary sculpture to the city park of Antwerp. Humorously he places a found sculpture, from a garden centre, of a dog on the pedestal, and 4 more sculptures in the groundsurface ‘admiring’ the higher placed one. In general he is considered to be a sculpturer and installation artsit. The absurd sinks into his practice and is most present in his sorry-installations. Furthermore he devides his work into three more self-invented categories: found composition, situation installations and transformation installations.