Hier rust Dennis Tyfus

Informationen zum Werk

  • Titel: Hier rust Dennis Tyfus
  • Künstler: Dennis Tyfus
  • Genre: Installation
  • Standort: Wolstraat 31, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
  • entstanden: 01/07/2016
  • Entfernt: 2017
  • eingetragen: 12. September 2018

Dennis Tyfus uses the wall surface outside of his own studio at the Wolstraat in Antwerp. He attaches a gravestone to the wall at eye hight with the following inscription ‘Hier rust Dennis Tyfus’ (Here rests Dennis Tyfus).  It indicates how his atelier is the place for him to get peace of mind, at the same time he expands his studio to the outside. During the opening night of the expo ’11 Artists against the wall’ he presented a book, with his testament on the inside, inside his studio space. On this occasion, the gravestone works as an outdoor teaser for the indoor content: to use the outdoor work to lure back inside. In the middle of the black stone, in an oval shape his own photograph is present, connecting again the private and the public zone by letting the bystanders ‘see’ who works/lives behind the wall.